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Petersfield Postive Living

February 26th Helen Davies. - Bones for life

15 British pounds
Froxfield Village hall

Event Description

“Building Bones for Life: How improving your posture today can build stronger bones for tomorrow During our time together I will: - Demonstrate how a program of natural movement can help you move more comfortably and easily TODAY - Explain how Bones for Life helps reduce your risk of broken bones in the decades to come - Show why good postural alignment is critical for long-term bone health - Share insights into the science behind this life-changing program - Teach you some simple techniques to improve your posture and support your bones right now”.

Cancellation Policy

We have a strict 48 hours’ notice of cancellation for any of our group events. If you give us more than 48 hours’ notice, we offer a full refund, or you can book onto the same event on the next available date, if this is an event we repeat regularly. Unfortunately, if your cancellation is submitted less than 48 hours before the start time of your booked event then we are sorry, but we offer no refund.

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