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Signature Six Month Healing Course

This six month course consists of one weekend per month at The Sanctuary, with case studiies in between and the support from a mentor. On completion you will be able to start your own healing journey and will feel confident to give healing to others to begin to make a difference.

Signature Six Month Healing Course

At the end of our Signature Healing Course you will have developed the basic skills and un-derstanding a healer needs to start the journey into helping others. 

The course is informative, practical and fun. It is designed not only to help you become a healer, but also to guide you on your spiritual path. The course requires an openness of self-reflection. We cannot begin to heal others until we heal ourselves. The course is also very hands on, you will be practising healing on others and learning very quickly how to connect with this work. 

As this is a very practical teaching Martin and Libby limit these courses to a maximum of eight people. During the course, Martin and Libby will share with you the many forms of healing that they have collectively experienced over a 30-year span of study and practice. 

The healing training course is held over 6 months for participants to practice in-between each session and regular contact in between the six weekends. The setting out of practice and study in between is a great way to learn and put into practice the knowledge that you have gained. 

During the course you will learn chair healing, distant healing, couch healing, hands-on healing, hands-off healing, tandem healing (two healers working together) meditation tech-nique’s, the basics of shamanic healing, and reiki healing. You will also learn about the im-portance of vibration and sound healing with gongs, shamanic drumming, sound bowls and many other forms of sound healing. 

Most importantly you will study and learn how to make a connection to the source of the healing energy. This is a powerful form of grounding and attuning to the spirit world, with-out which all the knowledge you may have would be of no use. 

You will also learn about the wheel of life or (medicine wheel) and how to incorporate this into your own healing journey. 

It is the intention of Libby and Martin that during your time with us you will be regularly mentored and helped through this intense healing training course with humour, love, support, and care. The outcome will be that in a relatively short space of time we can and will send out more healers into the world and to enable them with the tools to make a change. 

The path of the healer is not easy, however if you have ever wanted to be a healer, or some-times wondered why you were born, or you feel it’s just time for you to give back and make a difference, then this training is for you.

After the course you will have the tools and confidence to start your journey into making this world a better, healthier, and happier place. 

Offering : £1,400

Payment Plan available. 

For more information please book a discovery call

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