Reiki Healing emerged in Japan in the late 1800’s and involves channelling of universal energy, know as qui (pronounced 'chi') from the practitioner’s palms to you to aid relaxation, to heal and to promote emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Reiki can induce deep relaxation, help you cope with difficulties in life, relieve emotional stress, and improve overall wellbeing. People who receive Reiki describe it as “intensely relaxing.”
Libby offers Reiki healing at the Herdman Healing Sanctuary and has had some profound results.
Your first step is to book a discovery call with us please so that we can guide you on your Reiki Healing journey in the most suitable way.

First Session (1.5 hours)
We highly recommend booking
a package to gain the most from
your Reiki Healing.
Our package includes your discovery call, initial 1.5 hour session plus 3 x 1 hour sessions and we offer 2 payment options.
Booking a package also saves you £35!
Book a subsequent
1 hour session.
If you have had your initial session or you have completed your package but feel you would like to book another session, please choose this option.